Exhibition booklet

A week or two back Pauline came up with the idea of producing an exhibition booklet. I liked the idea so immediately contacted all the artists and asked them to send me a picture of their work  as soon as possible. This became a race against the clock as kilns weren’t being emptied until the Wednesday before the exhibition and there were one or two other slight artistic hitches along the way!!  While this was happening Pauline and I worked on a rough draft, chose the font, printed the haiku and just believed we’d get the photos in time. On the Thursday morning we emailed the final picture to Pauline’s son Max who with his printer friend scrambled into action. I collected the books on Friday at 3.00pm! Then on Saturday afternoon Pauline, Barbara, and I ripped the covers for the 55 booklets – we wanted them to have an earthy home-made look. Max attached the covers to the booklets and inlaid the cover photo on Sunday afternoon. Timed to perfection!!!  We’ve been selling the booklets for $10.00 each and they’ve been a hit. Photos of all the artworks and their accompanying haiku are represented in the book –  a great exhibition souvenir!

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